News - Page 2: Pets & Wildlife Care

How to make fat balls for birds

Fat balls are fun and easy to make at home, and here’s how it’s done. 

Ensure you have a pet-friendly garden

It’s essential to ensure you have a pet-friendly garden to keep your family pets safe in your garden when there are many opportunities for a pet to encounter something unwittingly, knowing it could cause a problem for themselves.

Design a bird-friendly garden

You can design a bird-friendly garden with just a few additions or changes to any size space.

Top tips for feeding birds in winter

When the weather is cold, and food is scarce, our garden birds need our help to get them through the winter.

5 tips for a wildlife-friendly garden

Start planning now for a wildlife-friendly garden next year with these top tips.

10 non-toxic indoor plants if you have pets

Here are ten plants that are non-toxic and safe for pets

Create a pet-friendly garden

Creating a pet-friendly garden doesn’t mean your garden will have to be bare, patchy lawn, or even dug-up plants. If you are starting to make your garden pet friendly or already have your perfect garden and are about to introduce your new pet, these tips will help you, and your pet enjoys the garden as much as each other. 

Create a backyard bee meadow 

It is easy to create a backyard bee meadow and make your garden a place where pollinators can enjoy lots of nectar in a biodiverse space.

6 ways to make your back garden a wildlife habitat

Your garden’s wildlife needs your help! With many insect and bird populations struggling, we need to do everything we can to support the creatures that share our gardens. Here are our top tips on creating a wildlife habitat in your back garden

Watching garden birds in spring

Birds are at their most active in spring, making nests and raising their young, so it’s the perfect time to do a bit of bird-watching. Here are a few of the birds you’re likely to see in your garden, plus some tips on what to feed them to make sure they keep coming back. 

Helping hedgehogs

Sometimes helping hedgehogs is necessary if they need it, especially when they come out of hibernation during springtime. Hedgehogs are an essential part of the garden, plus they are just wonderful to spot amongst the plants. Did you know that hedgehogs eat some garden pests? This can really help you to keep your garden thriving and pest-free. Occasionally, hedgehogs need an extra special hand if they are injured or young and unable to feed. There is plenty you can do to give a hand to the happy hedgehogs in your garden. 

Choosing the best toys for your pets

When choosing the best toys for your pets, it will all come down to quality and make sure you are picking something appropriate for your pets' needs. It could be playtime with something soft and fluffy or a toy that can take big teeth and last a long time. Perhaps your pet needs something to gnaw on, or it might be something as simple as a ball to chase. These ideas and information will help you find the best toys for your beloved pets.