Gardening by Month - June

With lovely long evenings and flourishing growth, make the time to enjoy your garden at its peak. The extra light and warmth encourages plants to grow this month. Flowering plants in the borders are reaching their early summer peak and the kitchen garden will come into its own.

If you have gaps in your borders or containers, add bursts of colour from geranium, helenium, and lobelia. Cottage flowers are lovely this time of year, including the lupin, foxglove, hardy geranium, and cosmos.

You can apply liquid tomato feed to flowering plants in the borders. Feed container plants unless you’ve given them a slow-release feed, as it gives them a welcome boost through the season. Containers and anything newly planted will need to be kept watered if we have a dry summer. Deadhead, cut back and feed plants that have flowered, and you might be treated to an extra flush of flowers.

If you’re into grow-your-own this season, you will already be enjoying the rewards. You can still sow beetroot, salad leaves and radish. If you don’t have much room, sow seeds in containers instead of directly into the garden soil. Use potting compost and keep the container well-watered and in a sunny spot for a bumper crop in a small space.

June is a good month to plant your favourite herbs. Sage, thyme and rosemary are drought tolerant, so don’t need too much watering. Use a good quality grow bag or fresh compost. You can grow herbs in containers. Mint is invasive, so container planting keeps it under control. Most herbs prefer a sunny open position. When planting, add alpine grit to a general purpose compost, because free-draining soil suits them best.

Give tomato plants a weekly feed. Pinch out side-shoots, so the plant puts its energy into growing.

Keep on top of all the weeds sprouting up by hoeing regularly in dry conditions.

Remember to top up a water source for birds and other wildlife. A bird bath is a lovely addition to the garden, and you can also leave out a bowl of water at ground level for creatures visiting your garden.

Garsons has everything you need to make the most of your summer garden. Pay us a visit to stock up on all your summer garden essentials.

Let’s hope we have some glorious June weather. Until next month, happy gardening.

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