Gardening by Month - June

June is the highlight of the gardening calendar, when gardens are alive with colour and interest. With the growing season in full swing, now is a great time to spruce up your garden. Make the best of your outside space for the summer months stretching ahead.

It’s not too late to get into grow-your-own and take advantage of freshly grown produce for the summer. If you don’t have much space, use a big container or planter filled with potting compost. Salad greens such as lettuce and spinach grow fast and can be harvested from seeds in just a few weeks. Buy a selection of herbs and position them in a sunny spot where you can grab a handful for cooking, salads or barbecues.

Some of our favourite plants for June:

  • The purple blooms of lavender are lovely to look at, and it has a soothing aroma. Bees love it too! It likes a sunny position in well-drained soil. Lavender is drought-tolerant, but keep it watered for its first season.
  • Delphiniums grace the garden with vibrant white, pink or blue flowers. Add some support for their tall blooms and stems.
  • Peonies have lovely big buds that bloom into statement ruffled flowers in June.
  • The rose is our Plant of the Month, so come and browse the selection, along with all the other gorgeous plants bursting into life this month.

To get the most from your plants:

  • Ensure your new additions are watered well. Water each plant deeply at its base. Two to three times a week is sufficient, unless you notice the plant drooping in hot weather. Keep an eye on established shrubs and give them a big drink of water if they look like they need it.
  • Invest in a water butt if you don’t already have one. Ericaceous plants such as hydrangea, camellia, azalea, rhododendron and blueberry prefer rainwater to tap water.
  • Give all flowering plants a slow-release feed to nourish them and encourage more blooms. Check out the range in Garsons and if you need advice, ask the planteria staff.
  • Deadhead faded plants to encourage new blooms and keep the garden looking fresh.
  • Look out for garden pests and take preventative measures. This can include organic pest control.
  • Keep on top of weeds, as they can quickly take over during the warmer months. Hoeing is the easiest way to deal with weeds.

Take advantage of the longer evenings to enjoy your June garden. Until next month, happy gardening.

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